Owners Association – FAQs

An Owners Association is an organization created by developers to own, operate, and maintain certain features within the community that were established by the developer and will not be maintained by the municipality in the future. These features may include entrance signage, ornamental parks and ponds, enhanced landscaping maintenance, pathway snow removal, fencing upkeep, etc.
Hotchkiss Owners Association (HKOA) was established to maintain the value of community amenities and to ensure a high standard of maintenance of the common spaces, ensuring that Hotchkiss’s many unique attributes and features will be maintained for many years to come. HKOA is an important means of building community pride and unity amongst residents through community beautification, events, and areas. Active involvement in HKOA is an excellent way to meet fellow homeowners, and an opportunity to help shape the community’s future through planning and input.
The developers will legally establish an OA early in the planning stages of the community.
Membership is mandatory for all owners within the community of Hotchkiss and the jurisdiction of HKOA. An Encumbrance is registered on the title of every lot in the community of Hotchkiss.
Owners and residents of Hotchkiss are members of HKOA and will benefit from the OA. All owners and residents in the community will enjoy community features and events. Ongoing attention of these enhancements ensures the value statement created for the project is maintained.
HKOA is owned by all property owners within Hotchkiss; it is governed by a set of Bylaws and a Board of Directors elected annually, at HKOA’s Annual General Meeting (AGM).
Hopewell Residential and Qualico Communities Calgary (QCC) will manage, control, and subsidize the HKOA, through the majority of votes until the HKOA can be self-sustaining and/or the community is nearing full build-out.
At that time, Hopewell and QCC will turn control of the HKOA over to the membership. This timeline will be solely at the discretion of Hopewell and QCC. Ultimately, HKOA will be self-funding and managed by an independent third party, who will report to the Resident Directors of the Association.
Yes, like other OAs, the HKOA will collect membership fees to operate the Association.
In order to ensure the long term sustainability of the HKOA after Hopewell Residential and QCC are gone, an encumbrance is registered on every Certificate of Title within the community of Hotchkiss, protecting the interest of the Association and in turn, the value and integrity of the community for the long-term.
The HKOA annual fee is like other Owners Association fees within the City of Calgary who provide similar services and benefit to their membership.
The fiscal year for the HKOA is April 1 to March 31 every calendar year.
Fee notices will be mailed out annually and fees are levied effective April 1 each year.
Interest charges begin accumulating on overdue accounts as of April 1 of each calendar year, at a rate of 18% per annum, for outstanding balances as of April 30.
Currently, fees are $195.00 + GST ($204.75 total) and are subject to change, in accordance with the HKOA Bylaws.
Upon closing of the initial (new construction) real estate purchase, the encumbrance
fee amount is payable by the buyer in advance (pro-rated from possession date
to year end), in one lump sum. Subsequent encumbrance fees (after the first
year of occupancy) must be paid on an annual basis, as indicated above.
HKOA payments can be made online via PerfectMind here: https://hotchkissoa.perfectmind.com/
Payment can also be made via cheques, bank drafts, or money orders, made payable to the Hotchkiss Owners Association, which can be mailed to the following address:
Hotchkiss Owners Association
200, 37 Quarry Park Blvd SE
Calgary, AB T2C 5H9
HKOA also provides financial and administrative services including, the collection of fees from the members of HKOA, reporting and ongoing disclosure to its members. A portion of annual fees collected are necessary to fund ongoing operations of HKOA. The OA is also responsible to the membership for ongoing reporting, communications, management of third-party service providers, as well as hosting community-based events.
Membership and other matters pertaining to the Association are more fully described in the HKOA Bylaws, which are provided to all members of HKOA. If you have any questions, please don’t hesitate to contact us at: admin@hotchkissoa.com.
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